Aa! Megami-sama! TV - 15: Ah! A Heart Stolen By A Goddess?

Comparing Version 2 to Version 3:

Skuld wants to be pampered by Belldandy but her older sister visits university with Keiichi together instead. Skuld is not willing to lose to Keiichi, and to make Belldandy pay attention to her she starts to construct the all-purpose robot "Banpei-kun RX" with household skills as well as anti-demon weaponry, to help and protect her beloved sister.
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When Skuld finally switches the power on for her new machine the fuse of the temple is blown <i style="color:#369;">\[image1]</i> - and not only does Keiichi lose 15 hours and 22 minutes of work for his university professor, Urd's TV show comes to a sudden end in the midst of the crucial battle as well! So no praising for poor little Skuld... just when she burst into a stream of tears, Belldandy drops in and - Banpei-kun is activated successfully! Immediately the robot starts helping Belldandy with her housework <i style="color:#369;">\[image2]</i>.
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Meanwhile, Marller is observing the house, hoping to catch the unwary goddesses off guard. Time for Banpei-kun to show his second purpose - and Marller isn't that happy about it for sure. Skuld finally receives the praise she was longing for - but as to restore normality at the temple Banpei-kun has to be switched off. Now Urd can watch TV again, and Keiichi starts organizing his professor's data once more. But Belldandy feels sorry for the motionless guardian at the door and pushes the button on the back of Banpei-kun's head... Urd is really pissed now, and Belldandy has to apologize, making Skuld feel bad.
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To make up for her mistake, Skuld starts to build a voltage-lowering circuit <i style="color:#369;">\[image3]</i> as to run the robot with fewer energy consumption - and encouraged by Belldandy she manages to complete her work successfully. Now Banpei-kun can remain activated - but he soon starts to treat anyone close to Belldandy as an enemy <i style="color:#369;">\[image4]</i>! During a maintenance diagnosis Skuld detects that Banpei-kun has rewritten his own program, adding an emotion circuit.
As only Banpei-kun can stay close to Belldandy now, she has to educate the robot, making him aware that Skuld, Keiichi and Urd are important people to her. Banpei-kun starts serving ice cream to Skuld <i style="color:#369;">\[image5]</i> but the girl is moping, still wondering about Banpei-kun's strange behaviour. "That's simple - he fell in love with Belldandy", states Urd.
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Banpei-kun watches Belldandy cook <i>bento</i> for Keiichi, "the person important to me" as she tells the robot. When the telephone rings Belldandy answers the call - and
MaraMarller sneaks in, taking advantage of the opportunity <i style="color:#369;">\[image6]</i>. But Banpei-kun will defend Keiichi's <i>bento</i> box with his life, and he's not alone...

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