Haibane Renmei - 12: Bell Nuts - Passing of the year festival - Reconciliation

Title:Haibane Renmei
Episode:12: Bell Nuts - Passing of the year festival - Reconciliation
The End Of Year Festival is near. Reki uses the opportunity to give Hyouko a white bell nut [image1], and finally Rakka learns what happened at the wall five years ago [image2]. Inside the temple she hears a familiar voice and suddenly understands the meaning of these mysterious symbols [image3]. Washi gives her two precious wooden boxes [image4], and what's more: Her true name and identity.
Everyone enjoys the festival - except for Reki [image5] who stays at Old Home. But Rakka won't give up so easily... [image6]
(Devil Doll, 2004-01-06):
This quiet and peaceful episode came out of nowhere, as the situation looked much worse after that ending of episode 11.
Yet, this has only been the silence before the storm. And what a storm this will be!
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