Title | Rating | Synopsis |
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Sakura Taisen TV |
Watch | Sakura Shijugi has just arrived in Tokyo. Daughter of a former commander and a skilled swordsman, she comes to the city to serve in the Imperial Flower Troop commanded by her father's commander. Upon arriving (and missing her ride) she wanders around the city meeting some interesting people. She finally arrives at the address listed on her card, the Imperial Flower Acting Company. |
Sakura Taisen: Gouka Kenran |
Buy | The second Sakura Taisen OVA is a series of character studies. |
Sakura Taisen: Ouka Kenran |
Rent | It takes place in the 1920's. The world is recovering from the "Demon War". To fight this machines are being built (based on steam technology) to fight a new invasion. The machines are powered by the "spirit energy" of their pilots. |
Sakura Wars (OVA) | Rent | See Sakura Taisen: Ouka Kenran |
Sakura Wars OVA II | Buy | See Sakura Taisen: Gouka Kenran |
Sakura Wars TV | Watch | See Sakura Taisen TV |
Sakura Wars: The Gorgeous Blooming Cherry Blossoms | Buy | See Sakura Taisen: Gouka Kenran |