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Title | Rating | Synopsis | |
B | |||
Beet, the Vandel Buster | Watch | See Bouken Ou Beet | |
Boken Oh Beet | Watch | See Bouken Ou Beet | |
![]() Bouken Ou Beet |
Watch |
It was a dark time when the people of many villages were suffering attacks from the daemon Vandel, and his horde of monster minions. Only a few brave warriors, branded with mark of Buster, proved strong enough to stand up and defeat the terrors that threatened civilization. And so, a twelve-year-old boy named Beet decided to accept the brand of a Buster, much to dismay of pushy older adoptive sister. Beet had a dream of being a great warrior, great enough to join Zenon's squad known to be the strongest of Buster squads. One day, when the Zenon squad was battling a devil named Beltose, Beet wanders on the battlefield, and distracts Zenon, causing their defeat. The five dying busters put their life force into their five weapons and before they pass away, they ask Beet to continue the battle and put an end to the suffering caused by Vandel. |
D | |||
![]() Dragonaut: The Resonance |
Watch | In order to avoid Earth`s impending destruction from an asteroid, the International Solarsystem Development Agency (ISDA) works on the "D-Project", and creates the "Dragonaut" after finding a dragon egg under the ocean. However, they soon find out that the asteroid is not their only threat, as powerful dragon-like creatures appear on Earth. After witnessing a murder by one of the creatures, Jin Kamishina gets involved in the mysteries of the dragons and becomes the chosen pilot of the Dragonaut. Helping him on his journey is Toa, a mysterious girl who saves him from falling to his death after the creature attacks him. As they get deeper into the mysteries of the dragons, they encounter new friends and enemies, and also begin to develop a closer relationship. | |
I | |||
![]() Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu |
Rent | "The war has already begun. It was just that nobody noticed." Late one evening, on the last day of summer break, Asaba Naoyuki snuck into the high school swimming pool for a swim, where he first met Iriya Kana, a very shy girl with strange disks embedded in her wrists. Asaba spent that evening teaching Iriya how to swim, at least until some strange men arrived to take her away. | |
K | |||
![]() Kaidan Restaurant |
Unevaluated |
A trio of middle-school students begin a search for the supernatural secrets and spiritual haunts of the strange village that they live in. After all, what kind of village would have a 'Grim Reaper General Hospital', a haunted shrine at the base of Mount Hag, a place known as the 'Gastly Apartments' and an abandoned building called the 'Thriller Restaurant'? |
Q | |||
QMA | Rent | See QUIZ Magic Academy ~The Original Animation~ | |
![]() QUIZ Magic Academy ~The Original Animation~ |
Rent |
Ruquia and her friends are the worst class in the Magical Academy. But, if they can win the Class Crash Magical Competition, they can turn their status around. However, their bumbling ways may stop them from succeeding. |
S | |||
![]() Sky Girls (OVA) |
Watch | A.D. 2079: A mysterious mechanical cell cluster begins “Human Being Sweep Operation”. After two years’ war, the human beings are outnumbered by the cluster, and they finally decide to use the ultimate weapon. Sacrificing their continent, they manage to eliminate the enemy. However it causes most of the continents to split, Antarctica disappears and 50% of the world slips under the sea. | |
![]() Sky Girls (TV) |
Watch |
In 2122 A.D., Earth is at war with aliens called W.O.R.M. ("Weapon of Raid Machines"), swarms of minute beings that can form monster-sized beings. The war leaves the population of Earth decimated, with young men being the main casualties. The W.O.R.M. were beaten back but their re-emergence heralds the creation of a mecha unit called the Sonic Divers, piloted by three girls (each of them 16 years old) to counter this threat. These pilots-to-be will have to learn military drill, how to pilot their flying exoskeletons named "Sky Divers", and - how to fight in real battle. |
Sky of Iriya, Summer of UFO | Rent | See Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu | |
T | |||
Thriller Restaurant | Unevaluated | See Kaidan Restaurant | |
![]() Tytania |
Watch | In a future where mankind is spread amongst the stars in the vastness of space, the TAITANIA family has been able to build a large empire through intimation and economic might. In the year 446, the city-state of EURIA rebels against the tyranny of TAITANIA control. Their isolated act of revolt starts a sequence of events which strains the careful alliances and agreements within the empire, as factions and associations take action to exploit the situation to their best advantage. In the ensuing turmoil, ambitious members of the Taitania Royalty begin to move against each other in an effort settle old grievances and seize control of the family. What started as an act of rebellion in EURIA, quickly expands to a civil war - with the wealth and power of the empire up for grabs for who ever is brave enough to aspire for it. | |
イリヤの空、UFOの夏 (Japanese) | Rent | See Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu | |
クイズマジックアカデミー (Japanese) | Rent | See QUIZ Magic Academy ~The Original Animation~ | |