List Titles with IGOMA Yurie

Title Rating Synopsis

Oshi no Ko S1
Rent Small town OB/GYN Goro Amemiya was introduced to the Idol Ai Hoshino by a terminally ill patient, Sarina Tendouji. Largely as a tribute to Sarina, he became a fan of hers after Sarina died. Much to his surprise, Hoshino turns up as a patient of his, as she has come to the remote town to deliver a secret pair of twins. But someone is stalking her, and when Amemiya attempts to interfere he is murdered. He finds himself reincarnated as one of Hoshino's twins--and someone he knows is the other.

Oshi no Ko S2
Rent Aqua Hoshino has landed a major role in Tokyo Blade, a '2.5D' stage play, and hopes to use it in his quest to track down the person who arranged the murder of his mother, idol Ai Hoshino. Meanwhile, his sister Ruby pursues her own career as an entertainer within the idol group B Komachi.
【推しの子】 Rent See Oshi no Ko S2
【推しの子】 Rent See Oshi no Ko S1

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