Weiss Survive

Title:Weiss Survive
Weiß Survive
A story that follows teen boy and girl (Takeshi and Michi) as they get lost in the Card Battle world and of their struggle to win card battles to return home.

Based on a manga series by Takuya Fujima. The mangaka Takuya Fujima announced that her Weiß Survive (Weiss Survive) manga serial will be adapted into a series of sixteen 2:30min anime shorts to be broadcast beginning June 5 as part of the weekly late night Card Gakuen (Card School) card-game-tutorial program.

New series to start airing June 5th, '09.
16 short episodes.

The German character 'ß' is a known as a sharp-S, or a double-S. In German it is called an eszett or a scharfes-S. And the word 'Weiss' is German for the color white.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Avoid 8 7 7 1 1 3 Dreamer [series:2126#2279]
What was I thinking when I picked this one up!? It must have been an accident.... for sure. Now for the first time in my anime-watching history, I've marked a series as "Avoid". Yes, this is the first and hopefully last.

Art, Animation & Character Designs
Artwork wasn't bad. It was on par with many of modern anime. Although there were lots of kawaii girls, none of them stood out. Infact, "none" of the characters stood out.

Nothing here to speak of.

Series and Episode Story
This series was basically a waste of time. Each episode stood at about 2 1/2 minutes and had no story, no plot and nothing that caught my interest. The only saving grace and "barely" at that, was the slight bit of slapstick humor. That's the ONLY reason why I marked the "Episode Story" with a 3. And that's being generous.

Overall, I agree with Jan-Chan below.... pure marketing hype.

Last updated Wednesday, December 08 2010. Created Wednesday, December 08 2010.
Unevaluated Jan-Chan [series:2126#967]
MEH !!! Pure marketing hype.... BAH !! Silly stereotypical characters put to anime to help tout a card game.

If you are a serious anime fan, then pls don't waste too much time on this one.

Last updated Tuesday, June 16 2009. Created Tuesday, June 16 2009.

Other Sites
Anime series web site http://ws-tcg.com/anime/

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