The Tokyo Project

Title:The Tokyo Project
The Rutz Detective agency has their hand full when they decide to investegate the mysterious flopy disk that lands in their possession.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 6 6 5 5 7 The Coyote [series:405#64]
This is an older anime that has a pretty good story too it, nothing all that origional but defiatly fun to watch it's no more than movie length and is about a detective agency that suddenly finds itself in over it's head in an investigation that involves secret wepons and goverment intrigue. If you folks that claim that sub is the only way to go want a poster child example of your arguement here it is the dub on this could not be worse the sub verion is the only way to watch this I watched the dub first and was really not impressed then watched the subbed it makes all the differance in the world the characters actually come to life it's almost scary.

Last updated Sunday, April 21 2002. Created Sunday, April 21 2002.

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