Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi - 13: I Got Another Kid Sister!

Title:Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi
Episode:13: I Got Another Kid Sister!
SPOILER: Kurumi and Karinka are duking it out, both taking some serious punishment. Suddenly Kurumi's eyes turn red, and she starts using the energy beams from her fists, blowing huge holes in the wall behind Karinka. She soon has Karinka at her mercy, and is about to finish her off when Nakahito shouts for her to stop, which snaps her back to normal. Nakahito noticed strange black wings seemingly attached to Kurumi's back, but they are no longer visible. Kurumi is about to kiss Karinka, in hopes of reactivating her like she did with Saki, when Karinka shoves her away and flees from the site. Dr. Walski is informed that Karinka is no longer reporting in, and theorizes that her twin angel hearts have interfered with her "obedience circuit".
Pretty violent! One criticism I read of Steel Angel Kurumi is that the ultra-cute opening sequence and charachter designs become increasingly inappropriate as the series gets more serious and violent. I haven't seen enough to agree or disagree yet, but at present I'm still enjoying myself quite nicely.

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