City Hunter - 53: Ryo's Her Future Husband?! Her Horoscope Says She'll Meet And Marry Him! (part 2)

Title:City Hunter
Episode:53: Ryo's Her Future Husband?! Her Horoscope Says She'll Meet And Marry Him! (part 2)
Atsushi (Akemi's younger brother) fears she'll send him back to their parents for staging the whole "Kaijin X" affair--but to his surprise Ryo hasn't told her. Ryo has determined that there really is a dangerous criminal stalking Akemi. She asks him to go someplace with her--he assumes it's a date, but in fact they visit the darkroom at the modelling studio, where Akemi practices her true love, photography. Things start to come together when Ryo recognizes a man Akemi photographed by accident--"Silver Fox", a professional killer who needs to keep his identity secret. The thought occurs to Ryo that Silver Fox may attempt to break into Akemi's apartment while they are away, which would place Atsushi in grave danger...
A fun episode. Part one didn't particularly thrill me, but I liked the way it ended. Silver Fox is dealt with relatively easily (but not in the way you might expect), and a good deal of comedy follows. My first thought was that this would be anticlimactic, but in fact it worked out well. Judging from the previews, we haven't seen the last of the Fox. A bit of trivia: Kaori's birthdate is revealled--March 31, 1967. My grade: B

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