86 (S2) - 16: Even So

Title:86 (S2)
Episode:16: Even So
The big Legion offensive finally comes, and apparently the Legion has built up such numerical superiority that it can attack all four countries it is at war with simultaneously. Thanks almost entirely to the five ace mecha pilots of the Nordricht squadron the Legion attack is stymied on the Giad front. The action sequences are wild and exciting; it's sort of like watching insects fight. The Legion scores a breakthrough against San Magnolia and all seems lost there. Lena's new Spearhead unit is still fighting, but the aristocracy would rather die than be saved by the despised eighty-sixers. Basically, things go from a stable situation to chaos in a hurry, and it's kind of hard to make sense of it all--or maybe to understand where the plot can go from here. It had seemed that the plot of this show would largely be about the struggle of the Eighty-Sixers for freedom in San Magnolia, but if the government has indeed collapsed, what will it be about now? Perhaps now the question is whether the Eighty-Sixers will be treated any better by their new overlord, the Legion.

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