Fate/stay night - 6: The Two Magicians (Part 2)

Title:Fate/stay night
Episode:6: The Two Magicians (Part 2)
Keeping with the full information but no spoilers..here we go

  • Saber - Spends most of her time sleeping and eating. She wonders why Emiya is late
  • Rider - Introduced as the next servant, she appears to have a master that Emiya recognizes. She sets a trap for Emiya by using Rin as bait. Her weapon is a dagger and chain (sorta like Marchen Awakens Romance
  • Rin - After being interrupted by Rider, she makes an alliance with Emiya because Rider's master has set a spell on the school to suck out all their souls for Mana.
  • Emiya - Confronted by Rider, instead of summoning Saber (and wasting a spell) he fights her direct. Rin shows up at the last minute and saves him.
There appears to be a little time lag from when Rin and Emiya was fighting at the classroom blowing up. Rin was in the room and Emiya throws the desk at her, then all of a sudden she is outside and Emiya is opening the door.

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