The 'Korean Wave'

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05/13/2009 04:17 AM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

I stumbled across this topic and thought it might interest more than a few of you (and most certainly Stretch)

At the turn of the Millennia, there was a surge of interest in Korean culture and media which actually picked up a name, that being the 'Korean Wave'.

(Didn't the samething happen with Japanese anime, sushi, cuisine and culture back in the 1990s?)


05/13/2009 11:14 AM

Reviews: 2087
Posts: 1346

I had no idea that (South) Korea exerted so much influence around the world. I wonder what effect the current worldwide recession will have on the "wave". Interesting note: prior to the seperation of Korea into two countries (1945), it was North Korea which contained virtually all of the industry; nowadays South Korea is an industrial powerhouse while the economy of the north is in a shambles.

Violet D

05/13/2009 06:27 PM

Reviews: 131
Posts: 57

That is really interesting. Thanks for bringing that up. Yours Violet D


05/14/2009 11:25 AM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

I am thinking of adding a new item to the by category field - Korean Wave.

This would permit us to clearly flag any titles that are 'exclusively' Korean in creation, funding and production.

I think that there are already more than a few such titles and there are certain to be more.


Edited on 05/14/2009 11:31 AM.


05/14/2009 12:34 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

Good idea. I'm all for it.


05/14/2009 03:56 PM

Reviews: 118
Posts: 70

I certainly don't see a problem with this. Since some titles (including Red Hawk) are Korean based and some aren't clearly labeled as such, it would be a wise idea to have that category available.

Devil Doll

08/22/2010 10:02 AM

Reviews: 365
Posts: 1574

"Korean Wave" was implemented as "Notable" until now. I replaced that by a "Category" keyword of the same name ( in order to make it part of the cascading filtering mechanism for categories (which the "Notables" page doesn't support).

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