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Episode Details | |
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 99 | |
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design | Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer | |
Buy | 9 | 7 | 7 | 10 | 8 | 8 |
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[series:873#3161] |
Last updated Tuesday, September 15 2009. Created Tuesday, September 15 2009. |
One of the most wackiest animes i have ever seen.
Buy | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 7 |
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[series:873#1552] |
Still, School Rumble was fun stuff for me and I look forward to a second helping of the misunderstandings of the love interests for the second season. Last updated Tuesday, June 30 2009. Created Tuesday, June 30 2009. |
Finally, a romantic comedy that has me laughing again. School Rumble takes unrequited love and pushes it to over the top levels as various misunderstandings between love interests in this series lead to one ridiculous situation after another which had me rolling on the floor in laughter enough times. Harima took the cake for me with this series as his goof-ups with confessing to Tenma help push along a good number of the misunderstandings that happen in this series. Characters have things they don't want to reveal or get in a situation that make their friends and classmates think something is going on. Many of the characters had good chemistry together and did well to add onto the laughs of the series, my favorites being Eri/Harima and Hanai/ Harima. Though like most other folks, I'm dumbfounded as to what Tenma sees in a guy like Karasuma. The relationships of this series are left unresolved meaning I need to move on to the second season to see what sort of antics I can expect from the cast next. If you're looking for a visually pleasing comedy, you won't find it with School Rumble as the artwork is rather average.||||||||
Buy | 8 | 8 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 8 |
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[series:873#2279] |
Art, Animation and Character Design The art and animation was average. It wasn't anything special. The frame rate was average as well but at times seemed like it got a bit choppy. The character designs were pretty good even though they were still clones of gazillion other anime. However, Tenma was really cute! And Harima-kun with his constant sunglasses was just too cool for words. Music The OP was was both cute and funny! I actually liked it! Wow! Amazing for me! It was an up-beat, pop-jazz style.... which I'm not too fond of however, it was fitting for this anime and really catchy. The ED was pretty okay as well. Episode and Series Story Oh my god this anime is hilarious! I think I had to change my boxers once and sprung an elbow from falling on the ground laughing so hard! Although the story is nothing new and has been done a million times over, it was still amazingly fun to watch and the silly antics just had you rolling with laughter. As each episode progresses, you can't help but fall in love with the characters and their personalities. As mentioned above, Tenma was just uber cute with her side pigtails. Overall, this anime really had me busting a gut and the episodes were just too fun. It's a must watch and buy for me. Last updated Sunday, February 22 2009. Created Sunday, February 22 2009. |
Wow, this anime was just gut wrenchingly funny. I literally had tears through each episode.||||||||
Rent | 7 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 8 |
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[series:873#752] |
Then again, it works as Comedy. Very funny at times, with embarrassing stupidity of all major characters but fast paced and as such not painful even at the weaker moments. This is what you get when you let the Azumanga Daioh (TV) characters play the story of Boys Be; there's quite a few ROTFL scenes (such as Tenma's reaction to the love letter she received from Harima, and a number of false assumptions as for who fell in love with whom). Therefore, Episode Story ends up getting a high rating from my side. During the summer holidays part we get more sequential development and fewer filler episodes; unfortunately the ending is rather weak, including the sports festival filler and the fake ending. The Art could have been nice had they not frequently shown faces without a mouth which I found too weird; the Animation with a significant amount of stills and SD faces isn't that great either. The Music sounds hysterically funny, quite appropriate for this show but unnerving for me. As for the Series Story, both Love Hina and REC had a significant drama element by the end of episode 1 and even Aa! Megami-sama! TV got one during the second episode; School Rumble is far from being any serious (maybe with the exception of those two girls quarreling half-way through the series). After four episodes with nothing but slapstick nonsense the show got better, with Tenma getting along quite well with Harima and Karasuma being aware of Harima's feelings for Tenma (only to almost disappear from the show at this point). The side characters get more substance as well - it's just that there are so many that I'd almost need a dependency graph to keep track of who's actually fallen for whom. That's a main complaint from my side: Too many characters with too little depth. Instead of focusing on one relation the anime hints at about 10 unrequited love relations none of which is worth more than two lines of content. But can the Characters save the day? Not really. Karasuma is a bland and boring slowpoke; Tenma is the personified cluelessness which isn't funny any more after a while. So to my surprise Harima, the tough guy, turned out to be the only interesting lead character; unfortunately he doesn't get any plausible development but instead jumps around randomly from heroic to idiotic. And yet his "relations" to Yakumo and Eri were the only ones that were interesting for me because they were narrated seriously, with all the problems that young people of this age have. So where are the good characters in this show? Yakumo (the pure maiden who looks and acts like she were Tenma's onee-san instead of being one year younger), the two shy fighter girls Mikoto and Karin, and occasionally the two over-heroic guys Harima and the class rep (after getting a decent background story). That can't be all, can it? But unlike Azumanga Daioh, at least there's no hateful character in here either (it took me a while to accept that Eri "princess" bitch) which was helpful for me while watching the whole show. Being so much of a comedy with so little serious romance this show couldn't possibly score more than a "Rent" from me, and given its weaknesses it almost missed that as well. In the end I gave even Nagasarete Airantou one point more because this series focuses on one goal and delivers that well, which School Rumble did only partially. Last updated Thursday, September 09 2010. Created Tuesday, April 08 2008. |
[Score: 74%, a minimum "Rent-"]
Buy | 9 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
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[series:873#2441] |
I finished school rumble...it was great...since i have been sick of mecha for some time now...ie gundam00...school rumble was a great change of pace...funny, silly, serious...but not really... Love triangles happen all the time in life...but in this anime it is not one or two or three triangles but a whole bunch...i guess the closing song really does this anime justice...you can really get into ALL the characters, and the ending threw me for a loopty loop that was nice enough and well written enough that i didn't get pissed off...ie evangelion(all of the endings)... I suppose i could have give the art and anime better scores, but it took me a while to adjust to how the characters were drawn...still really good, just not great...this is a must own! Last updated Friday, March 21 2008. Created Monday, January 28 2008. |
So i have watched 6 episodes so far...Someone recommended this as a better ikkitousen...So anywho...i checked it out...So far, this is NOTHING like Ikki,
Ikki is Fan service and what not...This is FUN FUN FUN...I love the opening
and ending songs and the episodes i have watched are just silly. We even got a Fujiwara Tofo Shop 86 Cameo and that give is HUGE props in my book...Anywho...I love it so far...||||||||
Buy | 9 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
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[series:873#436] |
Having read the first volume of the manga from Del Rey, I immediately knew I just had to catch the anime. Boy am I glad I did. I'm not sure how many liberties the anime takes with the manga. For the first volume, the anime follows it pretty closly, removing one chapter for a much later anime episode. Still, whether it continued to follow the manga that closely or not, School Rumble turned into one wild, wacky ride that takes cliched moments and then turns them on their head. As such, I never knew exactly where the anime was going to take me. Sometimes it took me where I thought but with an unexpected twist. Sometimes it didn't go anywhere near where I thought it would. As such, it became a winner. Also, School Rumble is a funny title for the most part. The unexpected elements that happen are the funniest parts of the anime. The sheer wackiness of the title also adds to the humor element. So there's an episode where we get a good old Godzilla roar (funny). Kenji-kun gets a new look every several episodes to much comical effect. He also changes often as he progresses in the anime and certainly is a most interesting character. The characters are all pretty interesting save for Karasuma-kun. I still have no clue as to why Tenma-chan would have such a crush on him. Since the anime is all about unrequited loves, I suppose it doesn't matter. She loves Karasuma-kun, but he's no clue to her feelings. Kenji-kun loves Tenma-chan, but she's dense about his feelings. Eri-chan appears to have fallen for Kenji-kun, but does he know about this? Most characters introduced in the anime have an unrequited love who loves another or rejects outright the advances of the person in love. It is a rather intersting theme as all of us have been in an unrequited love situation, but this was done in a fun way. The anime writers appear to take a page from Azumanga Daioh's page by taking solo-story chapters and combinging them into a single anime. So each anime episode combines three seperate stories. At times, the stories are more linked than others, but either way, the writers pull it off. Bottom line: a wild, wacky, fun, laugh-filled ride of an anime that constantly took me to places unexpected. This is a "Buy" title for sure, and one I hope FUNimation scores for the subtitles.Last updated Friday, April 07 2006. Created Monday, April 03 2006. |
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[series:873#628] | ||||||
I've just watched the final episode (I liked this series so much that I tracked down some sort of bootleg copy on E-bay to get the last three). It was brilliant--possibly the best all-around episode of the series. If there can't be any real resolution to any of the issues, how do you end a series without leaving the viewer hanging? The answer is, you trick them into thinking they have answers! Better not say too much... I've already watched School Rumble twice. My favorite line (so far): "I've returned from the fiery depths of hell to kick your ass" --Harima Kenji Last updated Monday, March 17 2008. Created Saturday, September 03 2005. |
I wrapped up a couple of series recently, and was going through my stockpile looking for a good one to commit myself to next. I watched the first episode of a couple school comedy shows, but found myself frustrated: Mahou Sensei Negima seemed fairly shallow, and Ichigo 100% didn't exactly thrill me either. But when I finally tried School Rumble, somehow this show just reached out and grabbed me, and I immediately realized that this is the sort of show I'd been looking for. The songs were lively (I especially like the ED song), and the character notes "Tsukamoto Tenma, 16 years old--a little bit dumb" were amusing, helpful, unusual, and seemed to be indicative of a show that went to greater lengths to turn out an enjoyable product. I can't help feeling that the characters in School Rumble just seem more alive than usual. The structure of this show reminds me of Azumanga Daioh--generally three short comedy skits each about a particular topic, without much of an ongoing plotline (I have no objection, since they really are funny!). Surely the best one so far must be the opening scene of episode nine! Basically, lots of high quality humor but not much drama--that's why my review is relatively short, there's not much to comment on without spoiling jokes.||||||||
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[series:873#416] | ||||||
anyways when it does come out for buy, you should buy it,. right now esp. 1-11 is out, and really i look forward per each dvd?/esp to come out. overall i give it a 10 its really funny, and you'll enjoy it.. pretty much its a tie with karo kano and Azumanga Daioh. if you see it rent/buy it. Last updated Wednesday, January 19 2005. Created Wednesday, January 19 2005. |
its not license so, you can still find it, but problems occured with the company that was making it, and didn't want us (fansubbers) "lending" it to "us". anyw%ays i%f you% kn%ow %your wa%y, y%ou mig%ht %find i%t)||||||||
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[series:873#1573] | ||||||
Comedy : High Action : Low / Med SciFi : None / Low Ecchi : Low All episodes watched, 22 episodes subbed. R1 Review, Well Kaname as Tenma was sorta of a mismatch. But the guy from ![]() After Girls Bravo so disappointed me, I avoided this one for over a month. Well I dragged it out and watched the Fan sub. OMG it's so FUNNY! This is an adult Azumanga Daioh It's about school and heartaches. It makes me laugh out loud and still moves the story forward. Now it doesn't feature ecchi or any real fanservice, but it does detail what high school kids are thinking It has the classic characters, stupid girl, rich girl, tall girl, quiet girl who's got a secret past, bully who is really a good guy inside, kendo guy, and strange guy. Each of the major characters are given their little 15 minutes of fame, and then you realize that Harima is the main character, not Tenma. There are about 4 different 3-way romances going on and you need a score card to keep up with who is after who :) (Actually that scorecard does exist and was printed in a magazine somewhere) Now this is not a major drama anime (Meaning no one dies! hehe). The plot is well hidden under the hijinks and you have to watch it twice to realize what the plot was. The mangaka has admitted that he is the template for Harima and it shows :) Each episode has this wonderful starting where they give you a summary of the 3 sub episodes. (Each episode has a bunch of mini episodes just like Azumanga) When the show ended it had just caught up to volume 7 of the manga so do not expect a real ending. This show is sorta like ![]() Unfortunately Anime4life stopped subbing this and they had one of the best (They spend 4 minutes explaining all the regional jokes before starting). The new group Wannabe is doing a decent job if (in their own words) that evil SLACK monster doesn't keep showing up. BTW : Anyone notice the mangaka seems to be a fan of ![]() Last updated Wednesday, August 29 2007. Created Sunday, November 07 2004. |
Drama : Med||||||||
Unevaluated |
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[series:873#967] | ||||||
Miss Tenma appears willing to go to any (extreme) lengths to create (what she thinks might be) a romantic setting best suited to permit her to confess her feelings for her Ooji-kun. Appearing more as a character who walked out of the series Azumanga Daioh, Tenma is most apt to choose the most over-dramatic (and most complicated) solutions to try to get close to her Ooji-kun. So far she has tried impersonating a school nurse during a psychical exam (which bombed) and then she watches a Samurai movie, and gets hooked on trying the message-arrow solution (complete with the Miko uniform.) Last updated Monday, November 08 2004. Created Saturday, October 30 2004. |
Having only seen four episodes, I really am really beginning to enjoy this high-school comedy. ||||||||
Other Sites
Name | URL |
DEL REY manga series (English language) | http://www.randomhouse.com/delrey/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780345491473 |