
08/06/2017 05:05 AM
Reviews: 118
Posts: 70
After months of procrastination, I finally did a review. The review bug finally bit me and I'm almost back to doing more in constant basis. Besides, I love this site. Anyways, I need to know if there are any new harem titles out for the summer or coming soon in the fall. It feels like there's been a drought recently of harem titles (or at least decent ones). Anyone got any info?
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08/06/2017 08:10 AM
Reviews: 2150
Posts: 1364
I was tempted to use the Harem keyword for Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni., but since I have only watched one episode so far, I decided not to. If you take a look at the page, you will notice that there is only one boy among the cast of characters.
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08/06/2017 12:36 PM
Reviews: 2354
Posts: 568
There have been some decent entries in the harem genre within the past few years I've seen such as Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai and the Bakemonogatari franchise. Otherwise, majority of offerings in the harem genre I have come across are mindless ecchi romps. You're likely gonna have to dip into older titles if you want more decent offerings for the harem genre.
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