Futsal Boys!!!!!

Title:Futsal Boys!!!!!
Keywords: , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Diomedea
R1 License - FUNimation
Haru Yamato had no interest in futsal (soccer) until a friend dragged him to a game between teams from Japan and Brazil composed of under-18 players. While there he was wowed by the performance of ace player Tokinari Tennoji and vowed to become like him. At his new school he joins the futsal team and is quickly in the thick of things.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4428#628]
(One episode watched):

This seemed like a pretty generic sports anime to me. We have the fiery newcomer to the sport who was nevertheless born to play; the excellent but stuck-up new team member; the almost as good, and highly experienced, team leader; and opponents who are clearly assholes. Nobody seems to have much more personality than their quality as a soccer player (except maybe Tennoji, who is secretly kind of a jerk). Whether this will be more about Haru or the team as a whole is not yet clear; I suspect the latter. As might be expected, Haru's eagerness and natural agility compensate for a lack of experience, at least for now. But I cannot get excited about a sport which I don't care for unless there is something more to the story than the question of whether the team will win or lose. I'm not seeing anything exceptional here, so I think I will pass (ha!).

Last updated Friday, January 14 2022. Created Friday, January 14 2022.

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