
ON-GAKU: Our Sound
Our Sound
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: R1 License - GKIDS
R1 License - Subtitled Only
When you're a bored teenager looking for thrills, sometimes the only thing you can turn to is rock 'n roll. Having no skill, money, or even a full set of drums, a feared trio of high school delinquents nevertheless decide they are destined for musical glory in a quest to impress their only friend Aya, avoid a rival gang, and – most importantly – jam out.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

71-minute film released on September 26, 2019.
Animated by Tip Top.
Licensed by GKids.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 6 6 6 7 5 Ggultra2764 [series:4354#1552]
From what I gather, this film's budget was entirely fan-funded and took seven years to animate with only amateurs within the budget for production to animate. Having a look at the finished product, not entirely sure what to make of it. It looked like the trio of delinquents take an interest in wanting to perform as a rock band and develop an attachment to fellow musicians in the form of a folk rock band with the same name that the delinquents took in the form of Kobijutsu, as both choose to perform at an upcoming concert. The low budget for this is a bit of a detriment with the crude-looking designs of the characters, particularly the delinquents who almost always seem to have the same vacant facial expression throughout the film and made it hard for me to try making any sort of connection to them as a result. It also looked like rotoscoping was used for depicting the backgrounds and some of the animated sequences within the film. Its use here makes the background look washed out in some shots, but does create some interesting animated sequences out of some of the scenes where one or both Kobijutsu bands are performing and the visual style for the film reminded me of sketchbook animation employed from the music video for pop band A-Ha's "Take on Me." While I typically don't get too fickle with visuals for an anime, I guess I came with the expectation of Ongaku being more polished considering its film format. But the low quality offered and the facial expressions of its major characters seemed to detract from my viewing experience for it and I'm not sure if I'd want to rewatch this anytime soon.

Last updated Monday, July 19 2021. Created Monday, July 19 2021.

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