Uramichi Oniisan

Title:Uramichi Oniisan
Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Studio Blanc
KAMIYA Hiroshi
31 year old former Gymnast Omota Uramichi is outwardly the cheerful director of calisthenics on the children's TV show 'Together With Maman'. But in fact he is burnt-out, sometimes emotionally unstable, and in general embittered with life. As he puts it, "There are games you're not allowed to quit even when you give up".

13 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4345#628]
(Four episodes watched):

This show seemed amusing at first but with time I became uncomfortable as we see just how depressed Uramichi is and what an empty life he lives. A show about someone who stands up to the hypocrisy of everyday life might be good, but this seems to be about someone who has already given up. I don't see many signs of an ongoing plot, and I don't particularly want to see more and more examples of the spite that Uramichi harbors being directed at people. I was tempted to include the keyword 'Dark' in the description of this show. I watched episode two, in hopes that maybe the supporting characters we are briefly introduced to, and who each have problems of their own, would be more fun. But we didn't really get to know them any better, or at least there was nothing appealing about them. I think the basic problem here is that this show is not funny enough. To compensate for the dreary prospects these people face we need either a sign that they will change or at least some good laughs, and we weren't getting either. Dark humor needs to be genuinely funny; if it is only modestly so (like here) the dark aspects are liable to hold our attention rather than the humorous ones. I struggled through two more episodes but nothing changed and I decided to quit watching this show. Dark comedy is especially demanding, because if it isn't genuinely funny it will be just plain dark--and nobody wants to watch that.

Last updated Friday, October 01 2021. Created Sunday, July 11 2021.

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