Candy Candy the Movie

Title:Candy Candy the Movie
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: Original Concept - Kodansha Manga Award Winner
Candy, an orphan, a fighter, a carer, who tried to be the best for everyone, faced with the choice of friendship or happiness. A classic 'poor girl' story who willing to sacrifice herself to make everyone else happy, yet still fight for the rightness of people.

This movie is a summary of a 115-episode series that aired in 1976-1979. But just how can one summarize some 30+ hours of a story into a short 28 minutes?

One (28min) Movie.

OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 0 0 0 0 0 0 RobbieNewbie [series:397#211]
This movie is actually a summarized version of the TV series with a different ending. If you already watched the TV series, DO NOT watch this. If you haven't watch the TV series, watch that instead. There are many important part in the TV series missing from the movie. There is not enough character introduction in the movie, which make it difficult to relate to the character.
If you like sad drama with happy ending, this movie will not fulfill your hunger. The TV is A LOT BETTER, where you will cry and laugh in some part of the series.
However, if you are new to the genre and want to have something light to taste without taking too much time, this movie might be for you [=Watch]. For me, at first I thought this title was an OVA for the original series, so I was very disappointed [=Avoid].

Last updated Sunday, April 14 2002. Created Friday, April 05 2002.

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