Ken En Ken - Aoki Kagayaki

Title:Ken En Ken - Aoki Kagayaki
Xuan Yuan Sword Luminary
Xuan-Yuan Sword: Aoki Kagayaki
軒轅剣 蒼き曜
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Studio DEEN
MATSUOKA Yoshitsugu
The brutal Taibai Empire employs mecha built of wood and metal, called 'Constructs', to steadily conquer more and more territory.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3582#628]
(One episode watched):

This is a tale which seems to take place in an ancient China-like alternate reality where mecha made of wood and metal, called 'Constructs' are the ultimate weapons of warfare. There's the peasant boy who was enslaved after his land was conquered, but has shown such talent as an engineer that he's given a prestigious post as a Construct designer--will he find himself obliged to design superweapons for the same empire that once slaughtered his fellow village people? There's also two sisters, one with artificial arms, and the other who stumbles upon some sort of magical scroll which enables her to summon some super deadly half-Construct girl to do her bidding. And then there's the empire's chief Construct designer, who has defected to a resistance organization. On the one hand these various plot threads are sort of interesting, while on the other there doesn't seem to be anything radically original about the show. There's more emphasis on gizmos and action than on character development. Perhaps if there aren't all that many first class anime this season I'll watch this, and if there are I won't.

Last updated Monday, October 08 2018. Created Monday, October 08 2018.

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