Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai

Title:Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai
Seven Mortal Sins
sin 七つの大罪
Keywords: , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Artland
The arrogant, prideful archangel Lucifer is cast into hell, where she immediately engages in a power struggle with The Seven Deadly Sins, demon kings (actually, queens) of the realm. She is aided by the lesser demon Leviathan and a human girl named Maria.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3352#628]
(One episode watched):

The first thing that struck me about this anime was that the first line or two spoken by Lucifer was enough to convince me that this wasn't going to be another of the usual half-baked, generic, unambitious shows which dominate the airwaves. That didn't necessarily mean it was going to be a good show, however. It quickly became clear that this was more about porn than about an epic struggle between angels and demons. Magical symbols frequently had to be placed over the various girls nether regions in order to make this show acceptable for television. Leviathan was licking Lucifer's tits at one point. I don't recall any decent jokes but I do recall something stirring within my pants as I watched. This show will almost certainly not be boring or ordinary, and I was curious what sort of role human girl Maria might play. The mixing and matching of western fables by someone in Japan who apparently wasn't raised with them was sort of fun. But I'm also certain that ecchi will have a far higher priority than the development of an interesting plot. Perhaps the problem is that there don't seem to be any good guys to root for, unless Maria somehow fills that role. Basically, porn masquerading as a gripping tale of angels and demons; if I were to watch, I would only validate this sort of anime and encourage the production of more of it.

Last updated Friday, April 28 2017. Created Friday, April 28 2017.

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