Kono Bijutsubu niwa Mondai ga Aru!

Title:Kono Bijutsubu niwa Mondai ga Aru!
This Art Club Has a Problem!
Keywords: , , , ,
Notables: Animation - FEEL
This middle school art club has a number of problems, including a shortage of members, an advisor who takes little interest in it, a president who would rather nap than engage in art, and a member who is engaging in his fantasy of creating his perfect 2D girlfriend.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3236#628]
(Two-and-a-half episodes watched):

Well, this show initially struck me as modestly funny, what with the clash between the guy who is uninterested in real-world girls and the real world girl who secretly likes him. But I can't help thinking that it would have been much better if telling a story had been given top priority and the jokes had been relegated to a supporting role, which is the opposite of the approach it seems to be taking. The jokes are unremarkable at best, but the culture shock between these two main characters is intriguing. Why, for example, would a guy prefer a fictional girlfriend to a real one? If only the show would dig a little into themes like this rather than be satisfied with the modest humor that it manages to deliver. But experience has taught me that anime seldom do such a thing. It seems that each episode will consist of a couple of little stories, then be done with them rather than tell an ongoing tale. That seems like a shame to me, since if this show only dared to deal with the character's emotions a little, and even if it didn't do all that great a job of it, it might (completely to it's own surprise) find itself to be a much more entertaining anime than it is currently looking to be. I watched some more, but found the show to be very dull in succeeding episodes. It falls into the same trap as countless other anime comedies: not funny enough to be worth watching just for the sake of the jokes, and without any interesting plot either. I have no doubt that the relationship between the guy and the girl will be identical in the final episode to what it was in the first one--or at least that whatever change takes place will be a scant reward for the boredom which the viewer must endure to get that far.

Last updated Friday, October 07 2016. Created Wednesday, July 27 2016.

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