Hi no Tori

Title:Hi no Tori
Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Original Concept - TEZUKA Osamu
R1 License - Media Blasters
Hi no Tori is a collection of stories that all have something in common. The Phoenix, whose blood is believed to give an eternal life to one who drinks it. Therefore many seek to kill it, but as the Phoenix of the tale, it's reborn from the ashes. Stories take place in future and the past, where humans fight with each other as always, and everyone is afraid to die. But still, every story teaches a lesson: Life is beginning of an eternity, an never-ending cycle.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

13-episode TV anime that premiered on March 21, 2004.
Animated by Tezuka Productions.
Licensed by Media Blasters.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 7 7 7 7 7 8 Ggultra2764 [series:3075#1552]
I suppose third time's the charm for me to finally get through Phoenix. One of Osamu Tezuka's classic manga titles, this anime adaptation depicts a series of self-contained stories focused on the titular mythical fire bird serving as a sort of framing device to explore various elements of the human condition that take place in different points of time from Japan's feudal period to the far future. The stories depicted in Phoenix are mostly solid as they have enough time to flesh out their major characters and time periods, as well as explore whatever aspect of humanity that is focused on. It does have its hiccups due to the age of its source material such as the heavy-handed and blatant way that the moral of each story is depicted, evil characters being obviously evil in their motives, and a number of the character designs looking rather ridiculous due to Tezuka's drawing style and not meshing well with the serious and dramatic developments that are often played out in the series. Still if you're a Tezuka fan and have interest in seeing more of his works, Phoenix is a decent recommendation to check out.

Last updated Wednesday, March 14 2018. Created Wednesday, March 14 2018.

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