Mirai Nikki Redial

Title:Mirai Nikki Redial
Future Diary Redial
Keywords: , , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: AIZAWA Mai
The Second is dead and the Gasai Yuno in the third world finally gets to live a happy life with her loving parents and friends from school. But there is still an empty place within her heart - it seems she had forgotten a person really close to her but can't seem to be able to awake her memories...
(Synopsis courtesy of ANN)

25 minutes

A sequel to Mirai Nikki
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 8 7 8 5 5 Ggultra2764 [series:2817#1552]
So basically, this serves as a sort of alternate ending to Mirai Nikki where a Yuno of an alternate timeline attempts to reunite with the Yukiteru who became Deus in the timeline of the original series? The plot of the OVA accomplishes this in a hokey, round-about way that may come expected for fans of the ridiculous developments that played out from the TV anime, though I'm kind of indifferent toward it due to my less than lukewarm feelings of the series. Only diehard Mirai Nikki fans would care for this OVA.

Last updated Monday, October 14 2019. Created Monday, October 14 2019.
Rent Stretch [series:2817#628]
I thought at first that this might be a comedy, with parodies of the strange behaviors of the various characters; and maybe not a very good one, since we get the all-too-common girls-fondling-each-other's-breasts gag. But a story comes together, as Yuno (this time quite sane and a star student) in one of the alternate universes gets strange feelings of Deja-vu. It seems that the original ending of Mirai Nikki was too sad, so an alternate take had to be made; fortunately, the bizarre premise of MN makes that relatively easy. I noticed that whereas the original series was sloppy and confusing, this OVA was skillfully done. The ending is moving and cathartic, which just goes to show that even in the original show, something must have been done right.

Last updated Wednesday, November 06 2013. Created Wednesday, November 06 2013.

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