Eikyuu Kazoku

Title:Eikyuu Kazoku
Eternal Family
Keywords: , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Studio 4°C
It started as a sociological experiment. 6 different people were brainwashed to think that they were a family and then put in arbitrary situations to see how they would react. However, when a taping of the families conducts is sold in a desperate attempt to make a little capital it instantly becomes a success. Now the family is a first rated show and their every move is broadcasted around the world without them knowing it. But when a clogged toilet sets off a chain of events that ultimately frees the family from the room they are confined in the broadcasters, not willing to lose their source of income, set out to hunt down and recapture every member of the Eternal family.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

28 minute movie released on April 1, 1997.
Animated by Studio 4C
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 7 8 7 4 5 Ggultra2764 [series:2650#1552]
(Watch-/ Avoid+)

Apparently, this Studio 4C short film is supposed to satirize the extremes of how far TV executives will go to retain their big ratings and that whatever gets pumped out by said media reduces the populace into clueless and immoral buffoons. The title's humor mostly gets by on the bizarre, crude and sometimes violent behavior that results from the six family members when they are on their show and go loose on reality when they discover their whole life was a lie. Unfortunately, the comedy didn't have me laughing at all throughout this short as the antics of the family and whatever comedy that Eternal Family pumped out felt more like one-trick ponies and felt quite shallow. Not to mention that while the topic of satire for this movie has its potential, this movie is far too short to express anything meaningful in its half-hour run. The animation style used for Eternal Family is somewhat crude, yet is surprisingly fluid in movement as the short does quite well with showing the manic behavior of the family members and makes use of dark colors and a dystopian setting to show off how society gets effected by the influence of frivolous entertainment such as the reality show of the six loons depicted.

Unless you're a big fan of Studio 4C's works, I don't see any reason to waste one's time with watching Eternal Family as its comedy is pretty flat and the topic it attempts to satirize has limited time to truly flourish onto the viewer.

Last updated Sunday, November 18 2012. Created Sunday, November 18 2012.

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