Photon - 3: Lashara Leaves Home

Episode:3: Lashara Leaves Home
Princess Lashara begs her father to let her go join her beloved Papacha, and eventually she and her psychic friend Bulan set off without permission. Meanwhile, Aun wants to know where they are going, and Keyne says they are looking for her grandfather's "Aho Memorizer". Aun wants Photon to come home with her, while Keyne wants him to remain with her as her husband. Keyne is not exactly a great cook, but Photon is starving as Papacha repeatedly spoils their meals. Nevertheless, Papacha cannot beat Photon, and blames his repeated failures on Pochi #1, who he abandons in the desert. from a few strands of Papacha's hair, Pochi #1 is able to determine some disturbing truths about the former master...
This one didn't seem as funny as the last episode to me; a certain joke was repeated over and over until it got annoying, and Aun and Keyne were being too "idiotic" to believe. I mean, stupidity has to be believable to laugh at--otherwise it's just, I dunno, pathetic. I'm also confused by all this "Aho" technology. The episode ended on an interesting note, however.

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