Read or Die - TV - 5: They Shout

Title:Read or Die - TV
Episode:5: They Shout
Having accepted an offer of employment, the three sisters travel to Romania and meet their coodinator, Mr. Kim. He tells them they will be attempting to recover a precious book which is thought to have been smuggled out of Great Britain just before a disastrous fire at the British Library four years earlier. In other words, they'll be "stealing from a thief"! Kim guides them to the book's suspected location, a castle built on an island in a large lake. After they set off on their mission, he says to himself "I wonder how many of them will return?".
This is Romania, people--you know what that country is infamous for. This episode features a clear link to the fatal Beethoven symphony of the OVA series. Have I mentioned that Maggie is my favorite of the three sisters?

My favorite line: "May the power of paper be with us!"

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