Haibane Renmei - 10: Kuramori - Haibane of Abandoned Factory - Rakka's job

Title:Haibane Renmei
Episode:10: Kuramori - Haibane of Abandoned Factory - Rakka's job
Rakka is very ill after her adventure in the western forest, and Reki can do nothing but wait, remembering her time when she was new at Old Home and Kuramori took care of her [image1]. When Rakka's fever doesn't go down, Reki chases to the temple where she gets answers to questions she didn't even ask [image2]. And while Rakka is recovering from the wall fever [image3], even the Haibane of the Abandoned Factory care about Rakka [image6]. But then, Rakka must receive her punishment for touching the wall [image4].
(Devil Doll, 2004-01-05):
More and more Reki is becoming the central character of the story: Her trial is still to be overcome, yet she doesn't even have hope about that. And now feeling responsible even for Nemu doesn't make things any easier for her.
On the other hand, Rakka is making one step after another into the right direction: Her sin is forgiven, and she has a job now [image5]. So solving the riddle would probably be next...
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