Binbou Shimai Monogatari - 6: A Day of Loneliness, Ginko, and Onee-sama

Title:Binbou Shimai Monogatari
Episode:6: A Day of Loneliness, Ginko, and Onee-sama
Ginko (the younger one of the blonde sisters of episode 3) is still longing for being loved and respected by her her older sister, and she can't understand how Kyou and Asu, her new neighbors (the blondes moved into the new building next to out leads' apartment), can always be so close with each others.
Both being class presidents, Ginko and Asu have to take care of handouts for their class, but while Ginko is bossing her class mates around Asu does her work alone with a smile, even helping another girl understand some difficult question during the process. On their way home from school Ginko becomes aware how everyone likes Asu and gives her presents, which makes her angry: She won't lose to another girl her age!
With money being no problem, the blonde girl orders an electronic surveillance system to observe her neighbors as to find out what's different about them. But despite observing their apartment for hours, all she can see and hear is the sisters talk about simple things - most notably Asu caring a lot about her older sister who apparently does nothing but eat and sleep. How embarrassing! Her older sister would never allow her to do for her so much.
Annoyed by the scene, Ginko walks over and invites the poor sisters to her monumental new home, bragging about her wealth... but as it's late evening already Kyou soon falls asleep. Ginko nags about Kyou being so unreliable, but then...
[Devil Doll, 2006-08-31:]
We did have these rich sisters already; back then I considered Ginko annoying but Kinko quite interesting. Now at the start of this episode Kinko is shown as complete idiot while Ginko (who's still annoying) slowly develops a more interesting character... then again, you'll have to wait and see the development of this story and learn that all is not what it seemed. Another wonderful turnaround in this episode - and another high tissue factor!

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