Binbou Shimai Monogatari - 5: A Day of the Apartment, Sakura Trees, and Moving

Title:Binbou Shimai Monogatari
Episode:5: A Day of the Apartment, Sakura Trees, and Moving
Autumn has come, and the sisters watch the falling leaves of the sakura tree in front of their room's window - and observe their lodging's owner doing the same. To their bewilderment, the owner addressed them as "Eriko" and "Nami" and allows them to delay their payment of rent, for the first time ever.
A couple of days later when Kyou gets her paycheck and pays the rent, and she decides to have a day off; both sisters agree that the best place to go is... nowhere, as they like their room the best. But right when they're going to the nearby bath, they meet the owner - who tells the girls to move out their location as soon as possible!
When their neighbor tells them the house is about to be torn down and rebuilt to provide more expensive apartments (which means that the precious sakura tree will also be gone soon), they pack their things and go search for a new place to live. Checking the offers at some accomodation broker they find a number of suitable lodgings they're able to afford, and they already dream of a new life in luxury. But on their way home they understand they don't want to live anywhere else but in their current room. At home they observe the owner protect two tiny blossoms at the sakura tree against the wind - but they don't dare to talk to him.
Still searching for a new location, the girls are surprised to see that a number of shop owners they usually go shopping at offer them to stay at their place - for free! But what's even more surprising is who told these shop owners about the girl's problem - it's the owner of their current room. And finally some woman tells the girls the meaning of the names "Eriko" and "Nami"...
[Devil Doll, 2006-07-18:]
This was the first episode of this series that actually annoyed me. Given the information presented so far, losing their home was supposed to be a serious threat for the sisters. How can they then find any number of alternative locations to live and even be able to pay for them? (I have no problems with the shop owners offering them to live in their homes for free.)
What's more, the pattern seems to become stale over time: Whatever serious crisis the sisters have to face, they just smile and the problem is miraculously going away. That's a tad too childish for a reasonable drama.
Then again, this episode features scenes that show the strong side of this series, such as that cherry blossom in autumn. Some elements are just so incredibly cute. And the ending of this episode is a marvellous turnaround, even showing some progress in an important character relation.

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