List Titles with Original Concept - Morishige

Title Rating Synopsis

Hanaukyo Maid Tai
Rent After his parents died, little boy Hanaukyo Taro suddenly finds himself in possession of his grandfather's mansion where a large staff of very kawaii, 'specialist' maids are more than eager to 'do service' for him - day and night! Which will cause lots of problems as Taro is allergic even to them touching his skin - except for one maid, that is ... don't you take this funny fan service orgy and parade of cute young maids too serious!

Hanaukyo Maid Tai La Verite
Rent This new series starts as a remake of Hanaukyo Maid Tai but soon goes beyond that storywise, so in a way you may also see it as a sequel.
Hanaukyo Maid Team Rent See Hanaukyo Maid Tai
Hanaukyo Maid Team La Verite Rent See Hanaukyo Maid Tai La Verite
Hanaukyo Maids Rent See Hanaukyo Maid Tai
Koi Koi Seven Watch See Koikoi 7

Koikoi 7
Watch Tanaka Tetsuro is excited at getting a full scholarship at a new high school, far away from his family. What he does not know is that he will be the only boy in an all girl school, and that there is a girl head-over-heels in love with him, waiting for his arrival. But his special friendship with the very cute and dynamic Asuka also causes him to get into a lot of trouble with the powerful student council leadership, as they are at open war with Asuka and her five friends - a group of super amazon warriors called the Koi Koi Seven.
こいこい7 Watch See Koikoi 7
花右京メイド隊 Rent See Hanaukyo Maid Tai
花右京メイド隊 La Verite Rent See Hanaukyo Maid Tai La Verite

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