1988 Titles

Title Rating Synopsis

Rent In yet another post-apocalyptic future, a young biker becomes the subject of a bizarre project known only as "Akira," apparently designed to bestow unstoppable pychic powers on youths, intended to be exploited as living weapons. Directed and created by OTOMO Katsuhiro.

Antique Heart
Watch There's an old decrepit building at the edge of the school grounds that hasn't been used for years, and it falls apart a little bit more each day. But the little house holds a secret, as Takahiro and his friends are soon to find out...they wind up making contact with a mysterious entity known as Saki. Can Takahiro save Saki's world from destruction?

Appleseed (1988)
Watch In a futuristic metropolis, two cops attempt to stop a terrorist from jacking an unstoppable new tank. However, is it the terrorist they should be stopping or someone closer to home...?
Armor Hunter Mellowlink Buy See Kikou Ryohei Mellowlink (OVA)

Armored Trooper Votoms: Red Shoulder Document - The Roots of Ambition
Rent Certain officers of the Melkian Space Force High Command are suspicious about a newly formed elite unit, known as "the Red Shoulders". The unit is shrouded in such top secrecy that even they know virtually nothing about it, except that it consumes tremendous amounts of resources and requires an amazing number of replacement soldiers. Colonel Peruzen, the Red Shoulder's commander, is uncooperative, pointing to evidence of fatal security breaches. Rumor has it that he is conducting bizarre research in hopes of creating "unkillable" soldiers. Meanwhile, a new batch of recruits arrives at the Red Shoulders' training camp--including one Chirico Cuvie...
Borgman 2030 (Italian) Unevaluated See Sonic Soldier Borgman
Char's Counterattack Rent See Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gyakushu no Sha
Charge!! Men's private school Unevaluated See Sakigake!! Otokojuku
Cho-on Senshi Borgman Unevaluated See Sonic Soldier Borgman
Chouon Senshi Borgman Unevaluated See Sonic Soldier Borgman
Cinderella Rhapsody Watch See Project A-ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody

Crying Freeman
Rent The talented artist Yo Hinomura is brainwashed into becoming an assassin in the employ of the sinister crime syndicate known as “The 108 Dragons.” Yet his conversion into a heartless killer is incomplete: he manages to retain some small link to his humanity, epitomized by the silent tears he sheds for his victims. Filled with bold images of uncompromising violence, lively sensuality and pulse-pounding action, Crying Freeman remains the quintessential example of mature storytelling told through stylish animation.
Crying フリーマン Rent See Crying Freeman
DB Rent See Dragon Ball

Demon City Shinjuku

Genichiro Izayoi is fighting Levy Rah to prevent him from turning district outside of downtown Tokyo into Demon Central. He loses. Now ten years later, Shinjuki is known as "Demon City" and no one goes there for obvious reasons - it is full of demons. However it is time for phase two of Rah's plan where he turns Earth into a place for demons to live.

Action(22) Action Comedy(6) Adventure(8) Comedy(15)
Drama(9) Horror(3) Mystery(1) Parody(1)
Romance(7) Romantic Comedy(5) Tragedy(1)
Cyberpunk(1) Fantasy(8) Historical(4) Modern(14)
All Ages(2) Children(1) Seinen(3) Shoujo(1)
Acquired Taste(1) Artistic(1) Classic(9) Dark(5)
Silly-funny(1) Weird(1)
Characters and Their Abilities
Ninja(1) Samurai(1) Vampires(1)
Story Elements and Location
Elementary School(1) Epic(1) Family Affairs(4) Fighting(6)
Friendship(1) High School(5) Martial Arts(2) Mecha(9)
Middle School(1) Police(1) Psychics(1) Slice of Life(3)
Sports(3) Supernatural(2) Time Travel(1) War(5)
Assassin(s)(1) Gun-action(1) Live Action(1) Sequel(7)
Potentially Objectionable
Bondage(1) Ecchi(1) Fan Service(1) Violent(5)
Movie(11) OVA(26) Short(1) TV(10)
TV Special(1)
Release Year
1997(1) 1996(1) 1995(1) 1994(2) 1993(1) 1992(1) 1991(2) 1990(2)
1989(9) 1987(9) 1986(4) 1985(1)
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